About Joshua & Janet Angela
New Wine International
Joshua & Janet Angela Mills

An anointed Minister of the Gospel, Recording Artist, Keynote Conference Speaker and Author, Joshua Mills worships and preaches by standing within the cloud and ministering directly from the glory unto the people.  He has written well over 600 songs and is known for his ability to lead people into spontaneous worship. During his services signs and wonders are commonplace with manifestations of supernatural oil and gold dust, creative healings, supernatural weight-loss, financial miracles, Angelic visitation and heavenly encounters. Janet Angela Mills ministers the Word of faith at Women's meetings and revival crusades in the nations.  Traveling all over North America and around the world, they have been creating a realm of glory wherever they go, with a message that “praise changes the atmosphere.” 

Although Joshua Mills was raised in the church (as a fifth generation Pentecostal), and committed his life to the Lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit at a young age. It wasn’t until his junior year in high school that Joshua had a very unusual visitation from the Lord during a revival service at a church in his hometown of London, Ontario, Canada. He recalls, “I felt the hand of God on my life and knew that I could never be the same again”. Through that experience he found himself having a deeper hunger for the supernatural things of God’s Spirit. Joshua began to grow in the Word, spending hours in prayer and worship. It was through this experience that he supernaturally learned how to play the piano and felt a call to the ministry as a worshiper, first and foremost. Praise and worship has become his signature mark as he ministers in conferences, concerts and churches all over the world. 

In 1996 Joshua Mills began ministering locally in churches and youth events. It was during this year that he established the ministry of New Wine International. 

At the young age of 19, Joshua Mills accepted the ministry position of becoming the pastor of praise at Emmanuel Christian Center in Spring Hill, Florida. During this time he developed a local church worship team and began to travel around North America leading worship at revival meetings with other Evangelists. While living in Florida, Joshua Mills had several dramatic encounters with the Holy Spirit experiencing new waves of glory (the oil and the gold sign) that resulted in many people being saved, healed and delivered by the power of God. 

In 1999, Joshua Mills relocated to San Diego, California where he ministered as a worship pastor at Rejoice Worship Center, and also began traveling on his own preaching the Word of God and ministering in miracles, signs and wonders. It was during this same year that Joshua married his sweetheart, Janet Angela, and they began their adventure in ministry together. 

Joshua and Janet Angela Mills continued faithfully ministering together in the United States, until God spoke to each of them separately in the summer of 2001 and told them to move back to Canada. When they returned to London, Ontario doors began to open up for them to minister in their local church, New Life Centre, as well as spreading the glory of God across the Canadian Arctic. In the many places they would go they began to witness dramatic transformation taking place in whole communities. They experienced first hand as God began to move upon the Inuit people with signs and miracles – saving the lost, healing the sick, raising the dead, mending broken hearts and performing unusual wonders. 

Along with holding meetings in Canada, Joshua and Janet Angela Mills continued to travel and minister across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Together they have touched over 30 nations with the glory of God being demonstrated through signs, wonders and miracles that testify of Jesus Christ. 

In 2005 God began speaking to Joshua and Janet Mills about reaching Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry with His glory. Since that time Joshua has appeared on many television programs – TBN, Miracle Channel, GodTV, Spike Network, 100 Huntley Street, Sky Angel, Inspiration Network, Daystar - Houston Celebration, It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth, Extreme Prophetic Television with Patricia King and others. Joshua’s songs and music continue to be played on both Christian and secular radio stations around the world. 

In 2006 Joshua and Janet Angela Mills were ordained as ministers of the gospel in Canada by their prophetic mentors, Russ and Mave Moyer.  In 2007 Joshua and Janet Angela Mills were ordained in the U.S. by legendary healing Evangelists, Charles and Frances Hunter

In 2007 Joshua and Janet Angela Mills began setting up a U.S. extension for their ministry, New Wine International in Palm Springs, California. Through this ministry and the frequent “SpiritSpas” they have been able to reach out to those in the movie, music and entertainment industries, and many others with the compassion of Christ. 

The Lord is working with Joshua and Janet Angela, confirming His Word with miraculous signs and wonders.  Along with people turning to God and finding salvation and receiving healing in their bodies, the Lord is visibly manifesting signs of His love.  In all of their meetings the sweet presence of Jesus permeates the atmosphere and people's lives are changed forever.  

Joshua and Janet Angela Mills currently reside along with their children, Lincoln and Liberty in London ON, Canada.

1. We hold as fundamental in everything that Jesus Christ is our only Lord and Savior.

2. Justification and sanctification of the believer through the finished work of Christ ​.

3. We hold that the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God, is the foundation for all decisions and is supreme in all manners is the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

4. The virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension and Abiding Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Second coming and Millennial Reign upon the earth. 

5. The unity of the Godhead and the Trinity of the persons therein.

6. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with signs following.

7. The utter depravity of human nature, the necessity of repentance and regeneration and the eternal doom of the final impenitent. 

© 2010 New Wine International, Inc.